[Mini habit in action] Français - Jour 26

Bonjour. It is June, can you believe it? Almost half of 2020 has gone by. The big question popped into my head this morning again, how am I different from who I was this time last year, or six months ago? Have I grown? And as for today, I am proud to say I have.

Report of last week learning.

The amount of XP tends to decrease over the last three weeks, but it does not worry me much as that is not my goal. Consistency and repetition are now more important to maintain. 

I am now leaving the Gold Leader board to join the Sapphire League. In the top three this morning, but people are learning aggressively, that dynamic will change. It is excited to know you are in a group of people who think alike.

Soit cool, mon amie.



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