Thinking Fast and Slow


It took me seventeen days to finish this book. Only because the name Daniel Kahneman was mentioned so many times in so many other places that I came across like books, social media posts, or podcasts.

In this book, Kahneman described two characters, the intuitive System 1 which does fast thinking, and the effortful and slower System 2 which does slow thinking, monitors System 1 and maintains control as best it can within its limited resources. 

He also talked about the two selves, the experiencing self which does the living, and the remembering self which keeps score and makes the choices. 

This book is somewhat related to Malcolm Gladwell's Blink which discussed a lot about the power of thinking without thinking, which of course Kahneman also mentioned in Chapter 22 - Expert Intuition: When Can We Trust It.

I reviewed this book with a physician friend of mine and I'm glad that I was able to frame the core concept of the book in just a few lines of text messages. 

Good read.



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