Two Kinds of People

It's called binary bias, a basic human tendency to seek clarity and closure by simplifying a complex continuum into two categories. 

When the amount of information is overwhelming and complex, our mind - with the mission of interpreting and making sense of those incoming data - tends to impose categorical distinctions and then makes decisions based on that.

Some examples:

  • There are two types of men, married and divorced.
  • There are two types of people, those who read and those who don't.
  • There are two kinds of people, those who wear masks, and those who don't.

We sometimes take sides based on our binary bias and act on that. Beware!

Reference: Matthew Fisher, Frank C. Keil. The Binary Bias: A Systematic Distortion in the Integration of Information. Psychological Science, 2018; 095679761879225 DOI: 10.1177/0956797618792256


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