[Mini habit in action] Français - Jour 24

It has not been easy traveling and maintaining my daily routine. Something has to be given up. But not this one, because I can literally do it anywhere. It's just a matter of thought.

I am in the top three of the leader board and that feels great. A kind of mini motivation that pushes me forward, even though it doesn't mean much materially. I have learned 289 French words so far, and this learning experience is completely different from how I got to learn English billion years ago. That is to say, the methods of learning have evolved, the tools have changed, therefore the ability to adapt and absorb new skills, in this case, language, has been improved significantly. More and more people now can speak five, six languages, and that has become the new normal.

Back to myself, I have passed the Checkpoint #1 with all the very basic stuff. I now can understand some written short writing, like sentences or phrases; short monologues but not yet being able to put thoughts into speeches in a snap. There is a long way to go.

Keep it up.



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