[Mini habit in action] Français - Jour 33

C'est lundi, aujourd'hui. 

What do they say about walk the walk and talk the talk, yes, a person should support what they say, not just with words but also through action. This is my action for the post about mini habit. I have made  learning French my mini habit, for thirty two consecutive days, every day. It is not only about determination and self discipline, it is also about using the right method with the right motivation. 

From the daily goal of 100XP, now my average is more or less 300 per day. 

I am on the top three and got promoted to next league every seven days. It is Ruby now.

One of my favorite things to do with Duolingo is to read the stories, when my mind is too stiff to learn, stories is the best way to move forward.

432 new words so far. Kudos to myself!

First month, checked.



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