A step closer to being the best parents


I am sorry. The title is just to get your attention. There is no such thing as best parents. Every child is different, every household is unique, every parent is like no others. On top of that, there are no universal measures of parenting quality. 

This book is about helping your children develop a healthy mental life with your support, something many of us parents are neglecting, and instead only focusing on academic or material aspects of our little humans' lives.

The fundamental concept I learned from this book was that most children's behaviors are rooted in the brain development process. Understanding this will eliminate lots of frustration because most of the case, we cannot understand why kids don't behave the way we want them to be, or why they don't have the rationality as us adults. Asking a five-year-old boy why he pushed his friend in the playground is not helping because he had no idea why. He is not there yet to see and understand things the way we do.

A must-read for parents.

Thao - A mom


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