The Art of Deep Reading [Brad Wages - Medium]

 Full article from Medium by Brad Wages.

The Deep Reading Process (in short with modification)

Step 1 - Read

Read the whole book like a normal person.

Step 2 - Highlight what clicks with you

Re-read. One chapter at a time. Look for what resonates with you. Could be passages, thoughts, concepts, ideas... Copy all the highlights into an e-note like Evernote, Google Docs, Word...

Step 3 - Refine the highlights

Edit the notes into your own form of language. Break them down, rewrite them so you can understand them in your own term.

Step 4 - Write out the high-level ideas 

Write down the core ideas for each item.

Step 5 - Explain things in details

Use the refined highlights and core ideas to explain all the core concepts in your own language as thoroughly as possible. 'Leave out no details, pretend like you're writing a "Dummies" guide for beginners.'

I would love to try this.

Thao - The superficial reader


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