Know Better

We made our decisions, our choices given the information, knowledge, capability and time available.

Same situation or challenge could result in different action or set of actions in a different time, usually later, when we are older and wiser.

We do the best we can until we know better. Then when we know better, we are supposed to do better. If we don't, then it's on us.

Back then, when someone treated me badly, yelled or shouted or gave me a hard time, I though it was all because of me. I was the problem. I hated myself. I doubted myself. I looked down, insecure. 

Now, when I know better, I realize it's mostly on them and what's going on in their own life, their own mind. All the negativities pouring out were the reflection of those in their head. 

So when I know better, I forgive them.



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