Do You Ever Shut Up?

Once upon a time, there was a fairly old man in a big country in Asia, holding a fairly important position in a society where he held a lot of meetings discussing many very major topics among people in his society. With his top-of-the-food-chain position, the fairly old man could say whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted to whichever audience he happened to converse with. Those he said, of course, important and right, to his mind. In the  long history of his society, no one ever complained about what he had to say no matter what. Or there could be some who wouldn't necessarily happy about what came out of his mouth, especially those from the opposite sex, but those would also think keeping their thoughts and feelings to themselves was better than vocalizing to and about the man on the top. Nothing good could have come out of that. So they chose the sound of silence keeping their heads down. 

Time passed, people changed, society changed slowly and gradually. The world was now more outspoken and open with things called the internet and social media. Some of the man's lower rankers in the food chain thought it might be a good idea to let the world know what kind of conversations they were having in the society. Bam! What the man said one day became viral. People around the world were in a rage, many turned out didn't absolutely like or even approve of what he thought to be a norm. He was caught by surprise. He then had to leave to food-chain top, still not knowing for sure what he had done wrong.

Further reading: Who Won't Shut Up In The Meeting? Men Say It's Women. It's Not.



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