Fit in

With animal instinct, we as human beings usually try to fit in unintentionally. Like talking in other’s accents even though we’re not coming from their region where people naturally have that accent. When someone you’d like to start a conversation with says he likes broccoli, and guess what you say? ‘I eat broccoli every day!’ Even when you do not. You think it’s just a white lie and you, as a self-policeman, immediately forgive yourself for that lie. This could go on and on to a higher level and those lies gradually become no longer white.

Trying to fit in by becoming someone you’re not? Then, what’s the point of fitting in? Even if you think you are finally in, then what? Can you keep on trying to be someone who does not exist and hide the person inside?

It’s like trying to put on a winter sweater that is smaller than your size. It might work for a few hours. But then, how can you even breathe?



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