How To Do Something

I am a Googler, meaning if I don't know how to do something but I want to, I would Google it. 

A couple of things that I have Googled how to myself
  • How to make choux cream
  • How to clean my oven
  • How to open wine bottle
  • How to resign your job
  • How to crop an image in Adobe Illustrator
  • How to prevent hair fall
  • How to customize your blog
  • ...

The alternative could be asking. If you don't know, you ask someone who does.

Or you can also come up with your own ideas, your own way of doing the thing you want to. You may fail, but you also will learn.

However, the main point of all the how-to-do-something things that many of us forget to consider is that we have to actually physically start the act of doing that thing. 

How to read forty books a year? Start by reading a page.

How to walk ten thousands steps a day? Start by taking first one hundred steps. 

How to have dinner at home every week day? Start by cooking for the first day.



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