It's Not OK To Feel Blue - A Book About Mental Health


I have been increasingly becoming interested into exploring mental health. It's something we usually overlook over physical health or financial wellbeing or social status, and yet it impacts almost every other aspect of our lives.

Curated by Scarlett Curtis

Some ideas, thoughts and sharings that I love in this book.

We all have a mental health

Good mental health takes constant attention and maintenance. If you let your positive habits and routines slip, your mental health will too.

There is no such thing as a negative emotion.

From a young age, we are taught that there are negative emotions (anger, sadness, guilt, fear and shame) and positive ones (happiness), but this is not true. All emotion are good and they tell you important information: like anger may tell you when your boundaries are being crossed. The emotion itself is not wrong, but how you express that emotion may be.

Your problems are real, with or without a diagnosis.

You do not need a diagnosis for your symptoms to be valid and your emotions to be important.

In our quest to live happy, productive lives, have we forgotten that it is normal to have periods when we feel low, afraid, unhappy?

We should grow up in the knowledge that our feelings matter, that they are worth talking about, valid enough to dwell on and scary enough to take seriously.

If you come from a household where talking about your well-being is a thing, then chancesf are you are gonna be more likely to find your way through the mental health bullshit.

In all our capitalistic and egotistic fervour, we have neglected to take care of that other muscle that enables our survival: the mind.

...I know you're trying to help, but pain is not relative. Pain is pain, and as long as a human being is in pain nothing else matters.

Don't think too far ahead. Evening is fine, but tomorrow can look after itself.

Trauma doesn't seem to have a sense of when might be a good time or place to visit. It can strike in the most unexpected ways.



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