5 Ways To Forgive Someone Who Didn't Apologize

Stand in your truth

You know what you went through. You don't need their admission or validation of what happened.


Don't say 'It's okay' when it's not

Allow yourself to fully feel the pain of what they did. Their inability to apologize doesn't mean that it was okay. You decide that.


Don't keep the door open to those who consistently hurt you

Part of holding them accountable is about you drawing boundaries and taking away their access to you.


Don't allow them to gaslight you into believing that it's all in your head or you're too sensitive

If it hurts, it hurts. Someone who cares about you validates your feelings without shaming you.


Understand that forgiving them doesn't depend on their apology

Forgiving them means that their actions don't control you anymore. It means that you see them as humans who've treated you from their own level of maturity and awareness. Your ability to see that helps you take away from their power over you.

Najwa Zebian



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