Daily Read Assignments

I made myself a commitment to read less news and more useful stuff. 

I've been reading three news pages for about thirty minutes every day at lunch break and before bed. Most of those I only skim through the headlines and only click in if I am interested. Still, daily news is overwhelmingly negative and does not contribute much to my mental wellbeing.

Also, I recently ran into this article Why Should You Stop Reading News, more good reason to give up on them and replace those reading time with something better. So I decided to assign reading assignments to myself. I have some daily, weekly, and monthly newsletters from authors that I subscribed to, some web pages with information and knowledge that I am much more interested to learn aka CharacterLAB by Angela Duckworth. 

I put those assignments into my Calendar with the website or article links that I need to read, no brainer for me when it's reading time. 

I use Google Keep to save all the things I want to read later.

Let's give it a run.


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