This Week Recap


Hello You,

Here's my This Week Recap.


I am still on Thinking Fast and Slow cause this is such a hard-core book to read even though I am enjoying it very much. Chapter 31 Part IV done, seven more to go. 

Interesting Things I Read This Week

Neil Pasricha in his article 8 Ways to Read the Books You Wish You Had Time For

  1. Live inside a world of books - I've been doing this
  2. Go "Red" in bed using red reading light before bedtime - I've been doing this
  3. Make your phone less addictive - I've been doing this
  4. Use Dewey Decimal System to organize books - I will certainly try this
  5. Use podcasts and BookTube to solve the “next book” dilemma - I've got my own way of solving this
  6. Unfollow all news - I should try this
  7. Read on something that doesn’t do anything else - aka read on a real book and I'm all about this
  8. Talk to your local booksellers - I don't think this is applicable where I live
Vishen Lakhani on Mindvalley Daily 

Vishen had a good point when he said

"just think about the many traditions and rules about ‘life’ that we abide by without really questioning.
Rules about marriage, money, work, parenting, health, and more… Did you come up with these rules on your own? Or are they just outdated bullsh*t rules (‘brules’ for short) passed down to you, generation after generation, through your culture, society or religion?"

Then he offered The 5 Brules Test to take on and challenge the status quo

Seth Godin in one of his daily blogs argued that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation can save a life but can only be done individually and is not scaleable. To that I would say training people to do resuscitation is scalable. Also, I think I'm gonna write him saying people shouldn't be doing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation anymore, maybe he could consider changing that.

Tom Belskie recited a quote by Richard Feynman

"You are under no obligation to remain the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even a day ago. You are here to create yourself, continuously." 


LinkedIn - Business Development: Strategic Planning By: Meridith Powell


Great Resources of Information That I Found

Character Lab by Angela Duckworth - Actionable advice for parents and teachers— based on science.

Podcast | Malcolm Gladwell Getting Interviewed by Mad Crates

Podcast | Happier with Gretchen Rubin 

Selfcare Starter Kit by UB School of Social Work's Self-Care

Live&Dare by Giovanni Dienstmann, an international author, meditation teacher, coach, and speaker. This is the fifth most popular meditation blog on the planet.

That's it for now. Stay safe, stay humble, listen more and live in the moment.



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