The Condom Incident

 I found a used condom pack, don't panic not a used condom, this morning.

So I have two close guy-friends and decided to share this day's delighted moment with them.

One is American Asian and no I am not getting it wrong, he is not Asian American, he is Asian on the outside but super American from the inside for spending fifteen years of his life in the US. I knew him from work about seven years back. We talk about literally everything, work, marriage, sex, relationship, guys, life... He said I have no filter for him, which made me think aren't we all tired of putting up filters day after day? We don't say things that we mean. We only show the best bright part of us to the world. We filter out everything about us that we are uncertain of. This guy is the only person in the world so far that makes me feel so safe and free to express myself. We talked about so much stuff, he said he feels like a gay friend of mine. He would tell me what I needed to hear, not the things I want to hear, he doesn't sugarcoat my reality. And I so love that and value our friendship. Too bad I haven't met him in person for a couple of years.

The other one is a typical Vietnamese guy. He's kind and funny and silly at the same time in a way that sometimes I can't wrap my head around enough. We share silly stuff and silly jokes every day. He would vent with me every time he's frustrated with work and I will make sure I give him my undivided attention. I cried like a little girl in front of him letting all the frustration of my past marriage out, he comforted me and said it will be okay, and gave me three bottles of wine. I mean who doesn't need a friend like that. 

So I silently thank my neighbor for the day's surprise that gave me and my friends a good laugh. The condom incident also reminded me how lucky I am to have such friends who laugh at life with me.
At the end of the day, life is too short to be serious. 
Relax a little, have a little fun, and go to bed every night with a smile on your face.



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