
- Mel Robbins -

If you feel emotionally triggered by a topic, draw a boundary. 
Example: "I'm not comfortable talking about my ex."
You need to protect yourself from other people's feelings. Without them, you already expose yourself to being greatly affected by other people's words, thoughts, actions, reactions, and moods.

The second you start setting boundaries for your time, you will stop feeling used by other people.
Example: "I can't help you today, but I have time tomorrow."
These protect you from overextending yourself. You can't stop people from demanding your time, but you can stop yourself from giving it to them if you don't want to.

You'll never be able to stop people from asking you questions, but you can stop yourself from participating in a conversation about topics you don't want to discuss.
Example: "If you're going to talk politics, I'm not coming."
These empower you to feel safe in conversation and help others identify topics you do or do not want to discuss.

These are critical for family members, roommates, and significant others.
Example: "If you want to borrow my clothes, you need to ask."
These protect your property and belongings. You need to set these when someone just borrows or takes your things without asking.


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