Podcast là cái gì? - Learn English Through PodCast

Podcast is like radio, but not radio. It is in the form of an app, you can download to your phone for free. Then, you can select from many channels to subscribe. Each channel, there will be a host or hosts with specific topics.

For the sake of surrounding yourself with English all the time, listening to podcast is a terrific way to achieve that goal. You can listen while cooking, on your way to work, in the bathroom, cleaning up, folding your clothes, doing laundry... Literally, seriously, anytime. And, it's pretty much I what do.

Source: https://martinbaileyphotography.com/
I am gonna hold your hand and show you how to do it, so you cannot lie to my face later on that you couldn't download any podcast app.

1. Go to Store, and type "podcast" in Search. Then, you will find many to choose from. I use Podcast Player (Castbox.FM) in purple.

2. This is how the app looks like.

3. There are many channels by category, find and choose the ones that you like.

These are my favorite.

Here are all the downloaded episodes that I got to listen to when I have no WiFi connection, like in the airplane.

Have fun.


💗Be kind. Work hard. Amazing things will happen.💗


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