Đừng tự ép uổng bản thân phải học tiếng Anh - Don't push yourself because you don't have to

People usually come to me and ask for recommendation of books to read or videos to watch with hope to improve their English. Sorry, I cannot give you a good answer. Let me tell you why. 

Books, videos, movies, music, food and hobby are very personal, everyone has different taste, what's great for me does not necessarily good for you. You could be into heavy rock, I am a pop ballad person. You like Western food, I don't understand why people eat cheese. 

The right question to ask is which available channels you can utilize to surround yourself with English, and therefore improve it, while still feeling like you enjoy it. If you don't do what you love, you will soon loose the will to continue, and as for learning English, you'd better hope you can stick with it for as long as you could.

Source: Wanna-Joke.com

Let me show you how.

  • If you want to start reading in English, find books, articles, blogs... about topics that you like. It could be politics, medicine, fishing, lifestyle, cars, novels... 
  • If you like watching movies, like I do, stop watching those Vietnamese or Korean, subscribe to Netflix, turn on English caption and enjoy movie time at home.
  • If you are a frequent YouTube viewer, there are plenty of YouTube channels about your specific hobby, if you have one, that you can subscribe to. 
  • If you like music, English music, even better, sing to the songs, write down the lyrics... that would help you improve your listening skill dramatically.

Now, do I have to translate the whole post into Vietnamese? I guess not.


💗Be kind. Work hard. Amazing things will happen.💗

This Blog post is proof read and approved by Tom.


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