Be All There

Your phone is stealing from you every day.

It steals your time with your kids. The daughter wants to play, but mom is busy scrolling through the Facebook timeline. The son wants dad to look at what he's doing, but dad is busying watching dogs video. The kids were learning how to swim and parents let them be with a swim coach, not seeing any small achievement kids are making. 

It steals your time with your family at the dining table. Dinner time, supposed to be family time after a long day. You are busy answering calls or replying to text messages, which are not urgent. Foods become less enjoyable, families become distanced. 

It steals your time to observe the world around you. The blue sky with funny shaped clouds, the mushrooms all grow after rain, the flowers showing off their colors. You forget to appreciate little things in life around you. 

It steals your presence, your moments, your being. It sucks out your attention from real reality. It gets you elsewhere then returns you back empty inside.

I do feel sorry for people who forget what is important at the moment. 

Whenever you are, be all there.

🤍Be in this moment🤍


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