[Mini habit in action] Français - Jour 18

So I have reached the two-week milestone of learning French. I now can trust myself that I am capable of doing this and following through. Therefore, I will only post updates on my progress every two days from now on.

French is hard, now that I am comfortable with English, I find French pronunciation is really hard, not to mention all the feminine and masculine words. I am expected to know that pizza and orange are feminine, and car is not. Alright. So far, Duolingo can still accept most of my attempts to pronounce the words or phrases, let's keep it that way.

Making time to learn is also a challenge. I set it every morning after my reading time, like a bundle of mini habits altogether, breakfast - coffee - read - French - work. Then a little bit at lunchtime, if my brain is not drowsy, otherwise I would make a lot of mistakes. After work, I may find time to squeeze in a bit more learning when being with Tom at the pool. He will keep an eye on my progress, and I will share with him words or phrases that I have learned. A fun thing that we do together is to compare how we say something in French and Spanish. Many of the cases, we find them somewhat similar.

So, I will keep it up every day in the hope of being able to say something decent next time I am in Paris.

With love,



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