[Mini habit in action] Français - Jour 20

I am up to Gold League now, on the top three. My position varies during the day, second, third, fourth. I found myself a bit competitive, well, I have to grab a goal somewhere since my daily goal of 100XP is not any more satisfying. Just out of niceness, I am following three other people on Duolingo, and now they are recognized as my "friends"? That would be a weird definition of friendship, I mean the bar is too low if you just click on somebody's online nickname and call that person friend. You don't even know the person's real name let alone consider them as friends. Anyway, I am a bit off the topic here, pardon me.

I finished the bonus Flirting lesson, although I can barely flirt in English. However, it is a good start. Last time in Paris, I went out with an English guy, and then an Italian. Neither of them spoke French, so I guess I am good.

I completed nine first lessons, working on the tenth, last one of the basic level I supposed.

Bonne journée.



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