My Reading Ritual - Bookmark And Forewords

Sometimes I feel like reading is my own religion. That it is my belief. And since it is a belief, I have to do it the right way.

Bookmark is non-negotiable. Every single book of mine must have a bookmark. It can be anything, from a very cute clothing tag to a postcard, boarding pass, literally anything. A book wouldn't be completed without a bookmark, and the bookmark must somehow match with the book itself. Every once in a while, I got an odd bookmark, that really irritated me. And I don't believe in buying bookmarks. Religion cannot be bought. The right bookmark must be made or found, cannot be bought.

Here are some of my favorites.

What better bookmark for the book Rising Strong than tag from Strongbow?

This came from a set of wall photo hangers, perfectly made for the wonderful novel I am reading.

This is also a brilliant bookmark that I found for this De Bono's book. Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy the book that much even though it was recommended by Sir Richard Branson.

This one is just me showing off my nail polish.

A bookmark from Trung Nguyen Legend Coffee, very well crafted.

This one speaks for its own. 

Writing forewords on one of the first pages before starting a new book is also my absolute favorite thing to do. This mini piece of writing has evolved over time, from place and time to number of book I read that year. 

18th book of 2016, by Malcom Gladwell.

 A gift for Tom, the kangaroo bookmark and the old Roald Dahl book from Perth, Australia.


A gift for a friend - Start With Why by Simon Sinek.

Sometimes, I also write when finishing a book. This one was in a flight.

A reminder of COVID-19 and social distancing time.

My Reading Ritual: Timing & Music

♥A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.♥


ahh small girl said…
You are inspiring! So much to learn from you... !


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