Reading Ritual - Timing & Music

My other note on Reading Ritual: Bookmark and Forewords

I don't get to have the 'luxury' of commuting to work every day, which means I have an extra forty-five minutes every morning to read, after breakfast, and before the workday begins.

Every morning, my book is ready on the coffee table by the fish tanks with a bookmark on, notebook next to it, color stickers on standby, and the setting is not completed without my glasses. 

Spotify is a major part of my reading routine. My reading playlists vary, mostly composed of atmospheric pianos, violins, or nature sounds. I was quite pleased with how soothing rain forests or ocean waves and birds sounds are, perfectly serve my reading mood.

Another reading slot is after diner, I have about thirty minutes or so for books before bedtime. Of course, all of this routine is only applicable when I am not traveling. When I do travel, reading time is usually limited, and most likely when I am at the airport or on the airplane.

♥A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.♥


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