[Mini habit in action] Français - Jour 28

French words learned

320 Words

That is how far I have gone, I couldn't have imagined learning this much when I first started. It's day 28, almost a month now.

I came across second set of stories and I have to say this is a very good way to put what I have learned so far into context. These mini stories are well crafted into real life situations and really reflects the French culture. 

3 days into the Sapphire League, staying on the top group. That Gica fella is such an aggressive learner. Almost twice my XP.

Last week was a bit down due to travelling, but I am back on my feet this week. 

Finished the third topic of second phase. I like how Duolingo designed the lessons, they made me go back and review what I have learned before to make sure everything is still there. The broken icons would tell me I need to review a particular topic, and I got to choose to do the review "test" with or without the timer. I always choose the latter. 

À votre santé (that is a very long translation of cheers),



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