Pissed-off-ness and how to get un-pissed

Oh boy, if I am being honest, I am pissed all-the-time at work or when I am out driving in the street. So, give or take, this post is for me, selfishly. 

Recently, I've been practicing what I so call the-second-wave-reaction

Whenever I am pissed of someone, which could be several times a day, I first acknowledge that I am pissed. Then I let myself soaked in the first wave of reaction, which comes pretty much naturally and usually leaves me to regret what I would have said and done. This first wave of reaction is just between me and myself. It's like I imagine in my head how I would react and let it play, like a short movie.

Then I pause and get my ass to process the second wave of reaction, which is more sensible, reasonable, and makes me sound less like a bitch. The other person gets this second wave, not the first.

This practice has been working well for me for a while. The most critical part, to me, was to acknowledge that the way I react to things that bug me was not always healthy, for me and the person of interest. Once the problem identified, I managed to come up with a solution. This I have to give credit to some of my teammates and my son, mostly because of their suffering from my reaction, not because they told me I had to change.

This is Lisa Bilieu giving six tips to calm your emotion when you are about to blow up in her channel Women of Impact.

Wait, I just don't do weight-lifting. And I know, this too shall pass.

Until next time, be kind work hard and amazing things will happen.



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