Chicken And Egg

As business managers of a big, wide territory, it's pretty common that you break it into smaller areas, some are bigger than the other. And with respect to the eighty-twenty rule, some of your major markets, let's say two major countries in the region, are expected to bring about eighty percent of the revenue. So, what about the remain eight minor ones that bring in only twenty percent? What is your long-term expectation for them? And based on what level of investment? If there is any dollar on the table to spend, the big markets tend to be on top of the list. If any human resource available or needed, the stars need not even have to ask. 

One thing that usually is being overlooked by management is that in small early developing markets, every minor effort count. Every customer counts. Every little order count. That's how you build things from scratch. 

If small markets have to fight for every single piece of resources, it's the chicken and egg paradox, and growth would take longer.



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