
Let's list down some of the cliché(s) that I know:

- Post or mention "Que Sera Sera" song when uncertain about the future

- Ask someone how are you without actually caring about the answer

- Say 'See you soon' or 'See you around' when you don't, in fact, see any chance to ever see them again

- Say 'Let's keep in touch' when you don't want to have anything to do after parting the person, it's just sound nice to say

- Caption 'Roses are red and violets are blue' on your photo of roses. Violets are not blue, they are purple.

- Say 'Time heals all wounds'. It does not, wound healing involves good nutrition, sicience of wound healing knowleges, and the right wound care plans.

[This post may be updated in the future - or not]



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