Internal Conflicts

My parents are all for shaping my kid into a well-educated well-behaved human being. I talk to them every once in a while about how I teach him to do stuff, correct his misbehaviors, and train him to do things around the house. Also, I communicate with them how they can be a part of the mission and how I wish they can do things a bit differently from what they have been doing. Things like not giving my kid anything before he opens his cute little mouth and asks for it properly, or not doing things for him when he's fully capable of doing himself with all the time in the world he possesses, or not treating him special as if he's the God of the household. Also, I told them it would be very good for their grandkid if they give him some tasks around from time to time, so he would not be such a useless ungrateful piece of meat sitting staring at his iPad waiting to be fed.

They will both nod approvingly, and then go back to doing exactly what I told them not to, over and over again.

My only solution is to keep talking and pursuing my mission with breaking my parents' internal conflicts, hoping for one day...



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