Mr. Busy And Important

r. Busy and Important was always busy on the run for something important instead of being home with his aged parents, wife, and kid. He has a gifted talent, discovered since his adolescent ages, that had been coming in handy his whole life and given him all he has today as a busy and important man. To describe his God-given-talent in the simplest form, he was someone who has the capability of creating an alternative form of fact in any circumstances no matter how little time available without even the slightest facial expression that may have accidentally revealed the non-alternative form of fact. He somehow mastered it. It could have been rooted in the family up backward to his great-great-great-grandfather, it could have been the recessive alleles he received as an offspring from this well-respected father and numerous uncles. Nobody in his family had a clue where that gift came from, but people from the outside looking in had no doubt about it.

Mr. Busy and Important always had something urgent in his hands to resolve with at least two phones that binged all the time and his mind could never get off work, important and urgent works. One day, people could hear him discussing a ten million dollar deal on the phone in the morning and then rejecting another eight and a half million dollar offer in the afternoon only because the other party was wasting his very very precious time that he very very much values. Having skillfully applying his gifted talent into the business and built his empire, Mr. Busy and Important also unconsciously and, most of the case consciously applied it into his personal life with aged parents and wife and kid. His family started gradually unknowingly living in his alternative form of world as well. On top of that, Mr. Busy and Important himself created an alternative form of world in his mind at best to support his invented reality. Everything was great, the stars all lined up in his favor.

Until one day, Mr. Busy and Important phones stopped binging completely. Nobody could get him, nobody knew where he was, he stopped being busy and important. He was then called Mr. Run Away or Mr. Hide Away. There was a myth around town saying his gifted talent had lost its power, no longer charmed people into doing what he wanted them to do, and that his alternative form of reality had crashed.

Mr. Run Away aka Mr. Hide Away parents were still aging, his wife and kid freed from the charm and got back to their actual reality. His former important business partners were on the hunt for him, still.

Someone even called him Mr. Old Man Who Had All The Time In The World But Nobody Around.

The End.



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