Right Or Wrong

When you were small as a baby, you did not care if things are right or wrong. You did what you wanted to. Then the big smart grown up told you that a thing or two you did were wrong, and you needed to stop doing so. You started being aware of the world.
Getting older and wiser, you started judging people of the things they do, what they say. ‘This is wrong. That is not right. Bla bla bla.’
When you fell in love for the first time, your parents said ‘That boy is not right for you’. You were back in time as a baby, doing the things you wanted to, falling in love with the boy you dreamed of, no matter what.
But you were not very lucky, it did not work out well. You were apart, heartbreaking. You still think about that boy. And once again, your friends or parents say ‘That is not right. You have to let it go’.
But then again, nobody can tell why we need to classify all things in the world into that two suck categories, Right and Wrong. Nobody can say why we would need to know that fact.
Life goes on. If you are not a ‘classificating freak’, then it’s OK for not doing it. Unless you are doing your mid-term math exam, just go with your heart. Free your mind. And send that boy a message saying ‘You’re damn lucky!’



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