Hello It's Me or Result of My Personality Test

I recently took a personality test on PrincipleYou.com recommended by Adam Grant. Here's my result.



You are most like The Coach

Coaches regard self-growth, development, and learning as a cornerstone of life and daily practices and they teach and model these as aspirations for others. They tend to be both demanding and caring, humble and resilient.

Coaches are motivated by personal evolution, development, and learning for themselves and others and make it a cornerstone of their focus.

Typical Coaches possess a complex mix of characteristics that support their passion for learning and motivating others. Their strong inner faith and unflappable nature come from a belief in themselves and steadiness even in the most stressful situations. Their calm and collected style enables them to share the best of themselves with others when it’s needed most. They possess the balanced quality of a giving and compassionate supporter who can offer hard-hitting and no-nonsense advice. Great Coaches exemplify tough love. They challenge themselves and others by establishing high standards but offer support and nurturance when it’s needed most.

Other distinguishing characteristics include passing along their strong belief that success and failure are based on hard work and a personal commitment to improving oneself, and that success is attributable to factors within people’s control. They set the bar high on their own goals and help others do the same. They‘re typically open to receiving constructive feedback and use the insight to continue growing.

Taking people under their wings can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Coaches are givers who can be taken advantage of without being aware of it. Their authentic and sincere interest in people’s lives can be very rewarding, but it can also be a heavy burden at times, so they need to be sure to find balance by focusing on themselves as well as connecting with others.

Coach Talents

  • Helping others learn and grow
  • Balancing their compassionate and tough-minded approach
  • Being more open to feedback that helps facilitate growth and evolution
  • Being composed and optimistic, even in the face of difficult circumstances

Coach Growth Needs

  • Resisting the need to take on other people’s problems as one’s own
  • Being patient when others don't implement or follow on advice
  • Recognizing that not everyone wants help or needs to be fixed
  • Making sure to leave time to pursue their own growth needs

You also have attributes of the Inspirer and the Growth Seeker

The Inspirer

Inspirers lead through motivating people to get behind a challenging and important idea, project, or business objective. They tend to be motivating, engaging, supportive, and leadership-oriented.

Inspirers are typically charismatic, participative, and people-oriented leaders who inspire and motivate people to get behind a challenging and important idea, project, or business objective.

Typical Inspirers have a unique blend of hard-charging, goal focus, and belief in esprit de corps that distinguish them from those with less interpersonal finesse. They have strong interpersonal abilities framed most by their desire to really get to know people at the core of who they are, not just as a passing interest. Their people know they care about them and will go out of their way to help them. They are most effective when the people they lead are efficient, satisfied, and meeting established goals.

Other distinguishing characteristics include their outgoing, friendly, and socially adventurous style. They tend to prefer to drive performance and achievement through positive reinforcement rather than harsh criticism or punishment. They are adaptable to change, and also have the ability to shift the roles they play in a variety of situations—being more vocal or more subtle and less assertive as the circumstance, and particularly their read on the people they are engaging requires.

The other side of their ability to connect emotionally to others is that at times they may get too emotionally invested in other people's problems. They may be slow to act decisively when people don't meet their expectations, tending to support more often than a challenge. They may get irritated quickly with people who regularly think negatively and bring down morale, knowing that good team spirit is key to success. Failure to act quickly by taking appropriate and corrective disciplinary actions can lead to diminished performance for themselves and others.

Inspirer Talents

  • Integrating people into a strategy and plan
  • Bringing a positive attitude and synergy to a team
  • Managing crises by staying in touch with people and their points of view
  • Creating and maintaining harmonious relations and promoting teamwork
  • Being goal-directed and self-disciplined

Inspirer Growth Needs

  • Acting decisively when people don't meet their standards
  • Getting too emotionally invested in other people’s problems
  • Over relying on the ability to connect to and motivate others rather than other means of driving performance (e.g., setting clear expectations and standards)
  • Worrying too much about other people's perceptions and feelings versus their own internal compass

The Growth Seeker

Growth Seekers are defined by a deep passion for learning and personal growth and development. They tend to be curious, humble, open to new ideas and experiences, and adaptable.

Typical Growth Seekers have an endless fascination with personal growth, meaning they devote themselves to improvement and evolution. They possess a never-ending curiosity about the world and how they fit into it. They have a thirst for knowledge and a need to understand the world and the people in it, particularly in service of personal and professional growth. If it makes them more effective, it’s on their to-do list. They are open to any constructive advice, even if it’s tough to swallow. They are flexible and adaptive to new experiences and circumstances.

Other distinguishing characteristics include being composed, grounded, and balanced in their approach to managing stress and pressure. They love engaging in new ideas and information and making sense of things for themselves. They can often be both determined and humble; they love to challenge themselves, but don't stress too much over mistakes made. In fact, they know the ability to reflect well on their failures is key to their personal growth.

At times, their desire to reflect inwardly first before acting can slow down their response time. They may need a stronger push to force action and decisiveness. And while some Growth Seekers are natural leaders, many are comfortable being good followers. The key is understanding their nature and finding a path that’s right for them—which is ultimately where the Growth Seekers, with their capacity for introspection and adaptation, shine.

Growth Seeker Talents
  • Being deeply inquisitive into broad and varied subjects
  • Acquiring knowledge, understanding, and wisdom for self-growth
  • Remaining calm, cool, and collected under pressure
  • Achieving goals independently and being internally motivated
  • Adjusting to changing circumstances
Growth Seeker Growth Needs
  • Moving from reflection to decisive action
  • Sharing knowledge and taking on leadership roles
  • Pursuing more defined paths and objectives without letting go of their taste for open-ended discovery

     Archetypes are organized into groups that share a common set of fundamental traits.

      My top archetypes fall into Advocates and Seekers groups
        Advocates  |   Advocates motivate others to their highest potential through inspiration and example
          Seekers      |   Seekers tend to be deeply motivated to challenge themselves and pursue projects that promote personal growth

          How I Prefer to Think

          How I Engage With Others

          How I Apply Myself

          How I Respond In Different Situations

           When interacting with others, I...
          • Am outgoing, socially bold, and stand out in the crowd as unique and creative
          • Tend to be fun, joyful, and lighthearted
          • Support others with empathy and compassion, while also trying not to sugarcoat my honest view of things                                                                                                   
          • Is willing to speak my mind, but are always aware of how others perceive it

          As a leader, I...
          • Demand and hold others accountable for results
          • Argue for my beliefs and say what I think
          • Call out underperformers whenever justified
          • Take initiative and instigate change
          • Like drawing out the thinking of others for input, but ultimately make my own calls
          • Believe acknowledging my and other people's strengths and weaknesses is part of being a good leader
          • May struggle to know when to follow rather than lead

          When planning, I...

          • Anticipate and plan for change by creating good contingency plans
          • Find that change is best viewed as an opportunity to create more structure and clarity, not a problem to be avoided
          • Drive hard toward clear, specific goals
          • Like to identify precisely what's needed to achieve goals
          • Operate best with a well-structured and fleshed-out plan to track progress against
          • Track progress diligently against targets
          • Make a strong effort to complete tasks early
          • Translate big-picture strategies into detailed plans

          When solving problems, I...

          • Like to draw on other people's thinking to stress test your own ideas
          • Explore a wide range of possibilities before deciding
          • Are comfortable finding solutions without much direction or guidance
          • Are quick to put structure and precision around vague ideas
          • Are fascinated when solutions aren't obvious
          • Balance exploring new possibilities with the need to take decisive action

          When setting goals, I...

          • Strive beyond what’s possible, or seems achievable to others
          • Prefer to go after your own goals rather than following others
          • Are both goal-directed and flexible
          • Face resistance and obstacles by adapting, improvising, and overcoming

          On a team, I...

          • Voice your thoughts directly
          • Enjoy a good debate, win, lose, or draw
          • Am comfortable sharing your feelings and encourage teammates to safely share their own thoughts and feelings
          • Enjoy the synergy of working as a team, but are also willing to go your own way
          • Set high goals and push back on any attempts to lower the bar
          • Think the best way to achieve challenging goals is to be mutually supportive and helpful

          Under stress, I...

          • Remain calm, cool, and focused on what matters most
          • Adapt to new experiences rather than avoid them
          • Calmly turn mistakes into self-growth and learning rather than let them get you down
          • Confidently believe that you can manage your stress without much support from others
          • Tend to be confident and resilient no matter how ambitiously you set your goals
          • Tend to talk out your thinking and experiences

          When learning, I...

          • Prefer an organized curriculum and following a clear schedule
          • Take your deadlines and commitments seriously
          • Like to hear other people's insights and knowledge as much as you like to share your own
          • Love exploring new areas of interest you don't yet know about
          • Love a good brainstorm
          • Like subjects that are abstract and philosophical
          • Like to participate in the discussion
          • Are interested in creative topics where your curiosity and originality can thrive
          • Have good stamina and endurance



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