7 Day Stoic Challenge - Day 1 & 2

This challenge is from the Daily Stoic Blog.

Day 1: Making a plan?

I had no idea what happened on Day 1. So, skip it. 

Day 2 - Re-engage with good habits 


Action is something we decide. Action, we can control.

When repeated daily, actions turn hope into habits and make those habits part of us. The best version of us.

We've made a lot of resolutions, to get in shape, to eat healthier foods, to learn more... and then we drop them off along the way. It's time to pick them up and re-engage. The tricky part is not our initial determination, it's the power of perseverance to stick with it, to stay in the habit, and keep the ball rolling.

And more importantly, it's the why.

Some books on creating good habits that I've read:

Some additional readings for myself today:

The Power Of Habits


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