This challenge is from the Daily Stoic Blog.

Review your worst day of 2020

Let's just put all that behind us and move on, why bother?
Don’t conceal the wounds, he said, tear them open. Don’t push your misfortunes away, “set them all down before you in a pile.” That’s what we’re going to do today. We’re going to review our worst day from 2020. That day where you felt totally and completely defeated. The day where you were certain it couldn’t get worse and Fortune said ‘hold my beer.’ Grab that day and set it down before you.
Instead of confining our worst day to a box that we lock up and put in our mental attic never to be opened again, we put its contents on full display and use them. We call it all back—the day, what happened, how we felt in those moments. How it felt like we couldn’t possibly get through it. We just couldn’t fathom a way forward. We couldn’t possibly bounce back from that kind of blow to our bank account or our career or our personal life. Yes, call all those feelings back.

And then what?

And then you come to a realization that you are still here, you made it, you survived. You don't just think you can overcome setbacks and misfortune, you have proof that you can.


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