There are five things you can do, here we go.
1 Well, you can start earlier in the week of your 38th birthday by telling your boss that you're going to take your 38th birthday off, no work. And then, on your actual 38th birthday, you're going to stick to your normal routine unconsciously and work like a horse cause you have nothing else to do.
Second, you can watch a very old movie made 25 years ago and accidentally found out that the song you used to love very much came from this movie. You can feel very much related to that movie because it's about two extremely smart people, both university professors who are so dumb to think they can have a pure-soulmate-companionship-only kind of relationship without any trouble of sex involved to get married. You think to yourself "Hah!" That can make your 38th birthday a lot more toleratable.
Next, on your 38th birthday, you give away. Because you just told your son the night before that it's not always about you. So you give.
Then, you enjoy dinner with the best 38th birthday cake ever given by a dear friend in the context of a pandemic that a birthday cake means super luxury. And you can feel grateful.
Last, you set no expectation whatsoever and keep reminding yourself that. None, whatsoever. So you can protect your fragile ego on this 38th birthday not to be wounded. Before that, you may allow yourself to swear, like any other day.

Above all that, whatever you do, do it for yourself, because of yourself, and you will be safe.

Happy 38th birthday, Girl!


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