What to do when you feel like crap




If you go online and google this, there are a ton of things they tell you to do. Sleep, drink water, eat well, take a walk, talk to people, listen to music, bla bla bla... And I am here to tell you it's all crap. None of those works. You would just waste your time with false hope and you would end up still feel like crap.

They would even try to put you in a 'game' where they make you answer questions trying to find out what the heck is wrong with you that made you feel like crap. Don't fall for that either.

Here are a couple of things you could do:

  • Write a blog post about how crappy you are feeling right now, of course, if you have a blog like mine. Otherwise, move on to my next suggestion, shall we?
  • Swear. Use all the meanest dirtiest swear words you can think of. Go wild on that. Trust me, it helps. Nobody is judging here.
  • Think. Think long and hard, about anything you could think of, not just the thing(s) that are making you feel like crap. I don't know how it helps either but just do it. You've already gone this far.
  • Don't try to distract yourself with something else. That would be you lying to yourself, denying reality. You may buy some time off the shitty feeling but it'll come back and bite you in the ass. So deal with it, let it sink in, do its job, and only then you can kiss it goodbye.
Remember, your shitty feeling is there for a reason. Welcome it, offer it some nice drink, have a chat, treat it nicely and see what is it it's here to tell you.



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