Sometimes I forgot to breathe

It rained today, unlikely for this time of year. The unexpected rain followed by a gloomy noon and you could not see much further than the upper part of the tallest tower in town. The people were amazing, the food and drinks were fantastic, and the book was challenging. That was my sort of Saturday morning. Talking to strangers brings more joy than I could ever imagine. A random girl asked for direction which led to the whole conversation about how she took the wrong turn, the surprised delivery man seeing me already waiting to pick up when he wasn't even aware that he had arrived, the shop assistant who told me I could just walk in without having my bag zipped...

I closed my eyes and saw myself writing a memoir, a book of my life, like Tara. Mine was not that dramatic but it's something, and I could do all that, putting my life into words, something I could reflect back on, something I could show my son, something for myself to appreciate the past and treasure the future.

...and sometimes I forgot to breathe.



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