What we call happiness

As Kierkegaard once said, "People settle for a level of despair they can tolerate and call it happiness."

It's the same for our relationships. Some of us settle for being lonely, and staying positive, looking on the bright side every now and again, telling ourselves we're happy being single. Or we settle for a relationship that fills our lives with anxiety, heartache, fatigue, or frustration while insisting everything's okay. Fill that fucking tire, baby. One more day.

When you're driving around on that leaky tire, it actually has an effect on you, even if it's not a conscious one. It's another little drain, a microstress, a weight to add to the myriad of the other ones occupying your freedom of thought and mental clarity and personal power. In the back of your mind you occasionally wonder if you'll make it to your destination okay, how long the tire will hold out, how you'll afford a replacement, or how you can find the time to get it fixed.

I'll do it tomorrow... Yeah, it's been more than a week/month/year now.

Read that again.



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