March Read: The Knife’s Edge [#8 of 2020]

I saw this book sitting on the shelf in a bookstore last week and it screamed at me “TAKE ME HOME!”. So, here it is, my first read of March. Only sixty pages and second chapter into the book so far and I already love every single word of it.
Professor Westaby is a British heart surgeon at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, England. He won the award of Midlander of the Year in 2002. He is considered as one of the world best heart surgeons. This book reveals so many of his thought processes and how he sees the world of cardiac surgeries as a surgeon.

I have read several medical related books so far, and most of them were written by doctors or nurses from the UK, who are in the NHS. These books painted a not very ideal picture about the UK healthcare system, provided so many deep insights and facts and emotions. The best part of reading these is you get to understand the other side of the world, the world of healthcare professionals that you see every time you come to them seeking help. They are doctors and nurses who cared deeply about their patients, who struggled to overcome challenges and adversities looking out for those vulnerable patients in their care.


💙If knowledge is power, reading is your super power. 💙


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