Tell Me More


To me, it's a powerful line, tell me more. It shows curiosity, respect, and interest in other people. What doesn't sound right to me anymore is people jumping into others' talk eager to speak their minds. I did that a lot, and still do, even though I immediately regret it every time. 

Cutting people off, interrupting is rude and it sends a clear message that you have no time, no interest, no consideration to whatever the person has to say. Most of the time, you don't mean to be rude, just being over-excited instead, or it might come from a place called social anxiety. Interrupting can feel good because you can show yourself, complete the train of thoughts and lead the conversation your way.

Another way of interrupting is finishing other's sentences or guessing where they are getting at before hearing them out. I do this a lot, like a lot. And trust me, it doesn't feel that good. I am aware of that and working on it every day.

In teams and organizations, if you pay attention, certain people who do this a lot, especially in meetings. Of course, in terms of hierarchy, they are managers, and because of their position, they feel empowered to do so, and others, also because of their - lower - positions, don't think they should speak up or correct that behavior, which is toxic and annoying.

A great way to interrupt someone is by saying 
tell me more


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