How You Know It's Time For A Divorce (for Women)

If you are in pain, to the point that your spirit is being suffused, your daughter is going to see that, your son is going to see that. Whether you like it or not, you are passing enormous trauma. So keeping the family together for the sake of how it looks on paper doesn't absolve the continuance of trauma. 

Ask yourself this, if I'm going to stay in trauma and pass down trauma for the sake of the appearance, is that more worth it to me, or you can say screw the appearance, let me heal and pass down healing. 

Our kids want us healthy, they don't want us traumatized. The next thing kids don't want is to feel like they have to fix it or that they are to blame. If you arrive at wholeness without giving your kids this, your kids are going to be OK. It's not what they desire but they are not going to be traumatized. 

Do it in a way that keeps you whole and your kids whole, then you can teach your kids the only reason you are feeling broken is that culture tells you you're broken, you are not broken. The family has reconfigured, the family has shape-shifting, that's a healthy move towards our greater selves. How is it a bad thing?

Then you get an opportunity to teach your kids how culture had pressurized women to stay within these institutions out of shame and we don't want to live like that. So it's a wonderful opportunity for women when they come to the realization of that power.

Jay Shetty Podcast


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