Is it wrong to hold so much hatred in your heart?

If there's one good thing I got out of hundred of hours watching Grey's Anatomy, it's "be real". We need to be real, and we can be real.

We are all only human, not being real is tiring. 

If we're pissed off, let's piss off, blow off some steam so we can cool down, recover and move on.

If we're feeling hurt by someone we love, tell them. They have all the right to know in order to make things up to us. Not everyone is a mind-reader.

If we miss someone, call them, or tell them to call us. Life is too short to hold grudges against each other.

Someday you may feel like you're holding so much hatred in your heart and you're wondering if it's okay. And I am telling you that it's completely okay because that means you care. 

We don't have to be optimistic and bright and smile all the time. Be you, be grumpy, be dark, be twisted, be real. 

Cause there's only one you and the world need you. And I need you too.


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